By pulsewireadmin
His Part-Time Side Hustle Earns $5000 Per Month

Tyler Christensen
- Product Reviewer
📝 A recent interview with Tyler Christensen…
Tyler reviews products on Amazon and YouTube.
If you watch his video reviews on Amazon and make a purchase, Tyler earns a commission 🤑
And his YouTube videos are mainly monetized with Amazon affiliate links.
Two years ago he was earning $2000/month doing this 💰
his product review income is now up to around $5k/mo, and over $130k in total since he started.
We featured someone else doing this successfully a few months back…
Apparently competition is tougher now, and the best strategy is to…
focus on trending or high-ticket items. While bestsellers might have too many competing videos, new products can provide fresh opportunities.
Pretty easy to start this. Main thing you need is a smartphone 😎