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Saturday 15th March 2025
How to Make 50 Dollars a Day Online (50 Best Ways 2025)
By pulsewireadmin

How to Make 50 Dollars a Day Online (50 Best Ways 2025)

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Written by Jason Michaels

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. We may receive a commission when you click on them, but this is at no extra cost to you. Read our privacy policy for more information.

What if you could make an extra $50 per day or $1,500 per month?

For most people, making $50 dollars per day online is a lot of money. And it can be quite difficult to earn this amount, especially with all of the different methods out there for making money over the internet.

But after testing over hundreds of different ways to make money online, we finally narrowed it down to the 50 easiest ways to make $50 a day.

How to Make $50 Per Day (50 Best Ways)

In this article, we’ll explain how to generate extra income and how to make 50 dollars a day online and offline, working just a few hours.

Let’s get started with making 50 dollars a day online. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Internet access
  • Bank account (normal savings account)
  • The drive and determination to start and continue
  • A great attitude

Aside from this, you might need specific skills and knowledge, but it all depends on the type of work. But if you don’t have any experience, not to worry. There will still be something on this list that you can take from this article.

However, we have to warn you that making money online often seems easier than it really is.

1. Online Surveys

Complete surveys onlineComplete surveys online

With online surveys, you get paid to share your opinion.

Companies are seeking consumer opinion, and some of them are ready to pay good money for it.

There are tons of survey companies available.

They pay via direct deposit, PayPal, Venmo, free gift cards, and other ways.

Some survey companies are available by free apps you can download from Google Play or App Store, whereas other surveys you complete using your desktop computer.

Survey companies act as a middleman between the company and paid focus groups.

They help the companies get the consumer input they are looking for while paying you for sharing your opinion.

How Much Money Can You Make Completing Online Surveys?

Surveys typically pay between less than $1 up to $100 each.

You can’t make a full-time income taking surveys but, you can make a side income to complement your current primary source of income.

Is Completing Online Surveys Hard?

Completing surveys is an easy way to earn money online.

All you have to do is answer the survey questions.

There are no wrong answers, you just want to be 100% honest in your answers.

And while taking surveys is not free money, it is a possibility to earn some extra cash doing a simple task.

Do You Need a Computer to Take Surveys?

A computer is unnecessary but you will need internet access, which you can get through:

  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
  • Internet cafe
  • Public library
  • Other places

How Many Online Surveys Can One Take?

You can take as many surveys as you’d like, and from different survey companies.

Below is a list of some of our favorite survey companies:

If you’re looking for other surveys, check out this list of the best paid online survey sites.

How Can One Make the Most Money with Surveys?

Check out these best practices to make the most money with surveys:

  • Track your work and income
  • Treat it like a job
  • Join multiple survey sites to make the most money
  • Practice time management

If want to make extra money, taking surveys is definitely worth it, as it can earn you $50 or more per day.

With survey taking, you can start making money online!

complete online surveyscomplete online surveys

2. Join Panels

Panels allow you to make even more money in a few extra hours a week.

They are similar to surveys.

To make money online with panels, you’ll need more time.

While surveys can take 2-15 minutes to complete (some are longer), panels can take 30-90 minutes minimum and can even take up to several weeks to complete.

For example, you might take part in a 3-week panel where you’ll have to spend just a few hours per week for 3 weeks to complete a panel.

Panels can be online or offline.

What’s My Experience With Panels Like?

The panels I took part in were all online and I earned much over 50 dollars a day.

I have taken part in 3 panels over the past couple of years and they paid me $100, $125, and $400.

While you may not take part in panels as frequently as surveys, they are an excellent way for you to earn money fast.

Perhaps you can complete 2-3 panels per month and make a decent amount of extra money online and earn $800 per panel (sometimes more).

Because they are high paying, you only need to take part in a handful of them every month to make an average of $50/day.

Check out these panel companies to get you started:

become a bloggerbecome a blogger

3. Start a Blog

Start a blog and earn up to $50/day or more.

With blogging, you can earn money online by sharing your thoughts, experience, and expertise with the public.

You can build a network, create lasting connections with an audience, build up your reputation as an expert in an industry, and earn money doing it.

How Much Can You Make Blogging?

Bloggers can make a lot of money, even $20,000 or $43,000+ a month, which is very good money, and far way beyond 50 dollars a day.

Pretty impressive numbers, huh?

With basic writing skills, even a beginner can make money by running a blog for just a few hours every day.

While you might not make money like this from your blog overnight, you can start earning a few hundred dollars a day within several months or a bit longer.

What’s best is that you can set up passive income streams through affiliate marketing and advertising and earn as much as $20,000 a month.

What Can You Blog About?

There are tons of topics you can blog about.

I recommend you choose a topic you are passionate about, such as:

  • Travel
  • Food
  • Budgeting
  • Minimalism
  • Small business
  • Career
  • Military lifestyle
  • College life
  • Mom’s life
  • Parenting
  • Gardening
  • Pets
  • Home Decor

Are There Startup Costs?

There are costs for starting a blog but they are affordable, under $20 a month.

Many side gigs or businesses come with startup costs, and it’s the same with blogging.

The good thing is that the startup costs are inexpensive while your income can easily surpass 50 dollars a day.

Here’s a list of the startup costs required to get started blogging:

There are tons of hosting platforms to choose from.

We like HostGator.

They offer cheap monthly plans for less than the cost of a fast food meal combo.

Then, your domain cost is next, which is around $9/year with Namecheap.

So for under $20 startup cost, you can be on your way to starting your own blog.

Beware though, as if you’re looking to make your own custom website, the initial costs of your blog can rise significantly.

When you’re ready to blog, you’ll need:

  • Time
  • Resources
  • The drive to succeed

How Much Time Should I Blog Per Day?

The time commitment is flexible, based on your schedule.

You can devote 2 hours per week to blogging or 20 hours per week. It all depends on your daily schedule, routine, time, and circumstances.

How Should You Organize Your Time To Be a Successful Blogger?

There are two things you need to consider when you decide to start a blog:

The content is the meat and potatoes of your blog.

It’s the articles that you write that will connect with an audience.

The content will drive traffic and then bring visitors around the world to your website. This will allow you to monetize that traffic to make extra cash (more on this below).

The promotion is the advertising you’ll do to help your blog gain exposure and earn extra income in the future.

Blogging is flexible, and you’ll love it if you love writing about a topic you’re passionate about.

You can do blogging after work, during weekends, on your breaks at work, etc.

Besides, you are your own freelance writer and so you’re your own boss. Isn’t that awesome?

What Resources You’ll Need to Get Started?

To earn money online, you will need to invest some into hosting and domain.

Setting up your own blog is super easy, and you can do it under an hour.

You can learn more in our free 7-step guide that shows you how to start a blog.

You should know that consistency is one of the biggest success factors.

How Can You Make Money Blogging?

You can monetize your blog in a variety of ways, and earn significant amounts of extra cash by:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsorships
  • Ads
  • Products and services
Making Money with Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you promote products on your blog and you earn a commission when a sale results.

For example, if you refer designer luggage to your blog readers for $1,000 with a 10% commission and you have booked ten sales this month, you have earned a $1,000 commission.

With affiliate income, you can sit and relax, as you won’t have to do anything apart from maintaining your blog, but you will have the financial freedom that you’ve been looking for.

Any affiliate program will give you plenty of room to make affiliate income. All you’ll have to do is just refer products to your audience and you’ll earn passive income.

Making Money with Sponsorships

Blog sponsorships are brand deals between you and a company.

If you’re a travel blogger, you might partner with a hotel to promote their grand opening.

If you’re a small business blogger, you might promote a new business product that would appeal to your audience.

With sponsorships, companies will pay you to talk about them on your blog.

Sponsorships are a fruitful endeavor that can earn you up to five figures (or more) per month.

The larger your blog is, the more you might make.

This blogger earns a full-time income through sponsorship income.

Making Money with Ads

You can have paid ads placed on your blog and when visitors click the ad, you get paid.

That’s also another significant source of passive income.

Some examples of ad networks are:

For more on blogging, check out these helpful resources:

4. Open an E-commerce Store

You can earn money by creating your products and services and selling them online.

Setting up your online store will take just a few minutes.

Here are examples of products to sell:

  • Ebooks
  • Digital courses
  • Printables
  • Digital Planners
  • Merchandise like apparel, footwear, branded gear, etc.
  • Calendars
  • Coffee mugs
  • Home goods

Here are examples of services to sell:

  • Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Copywriting
  • Accounting/Bookkeeping

Opening an online store means you’ll be selling products.

To earn money online, and turn your efforts into passive income, you can sell online almost anything: home goods, office supplies, apparel, footwear, etc.

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business and break into e-commerce, then this is your opportunity and Shopify can help you.

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that many people use as shopping online has become common.

Apart from setting up an online store, you’ll need a bank account for all your transactions.

Start Selling with Shopify

Shopify is your one-stop online e-commerce store that will allow you to start selling your merch.

They offer everything from an amazing app store to help with all your needs, like customer service, to fulfillment, marketing, sourcing, and more.

What Are the Advantages of Shopify?
  • Easy to operate
  • Affordable monthly plans
  • One-stop shop solution for all your business needs
  • An available application

With your online store, you can sell products or services to the masses that shop online and make a nice part-time income doing it.

Learn more about Shopify to get started.

5. Sell Online on a Marketplace such as eBay

Selling and shopping online have replaced traditional flea markets.

Marketplace selling differs from selling in a private online store because you are selling in a market, instead of in an online store.

What Are the Advantages of Marketplace Selling?

The advantage of selling in a market is exposure to the audience because many people shop online.

With gigantic markets like eBay that have millions of visitors every month, the potential exposure you can get to your products is huge.

What Are the Disadvantages of Marketplace Selling?

The disadvantage is the cost because you’ll have to pay an upfront fee and/or percentage of the sale to the market to take part as a seller.

Even with fees, marketplace selling can be a profitable venture and more and more people are making marketplace selling their full-time job.

You can also try selling on eBay.

First, go around your home and collect goods you can sell so you can earn more than 50 a day online.

This can include:

  • Small appliances like hand mixers, coffee makers, etc.
  • Rugs and textiles
  • Wall art
  • Pillows
  • Kids Apparel
  • Footwear
  • Curtains and linens
  • Art

How Much Money Can You Make By Selling on eBay?

The amount you earn is based on how much you sell, which can be the value of products you’re selling (like a $1,500 computer) or the volume of products you’re selling (like 20 items sold this month that equal $1,600).

You can do eBay arbitrage (look at Amazon arbitrage below), where you buy products specifically for selling for a profit.

Like buying a $100 MP4 player and reselling it on eBay for $150, pocketing a $50 profit (before fees).

Curious about getting started?

Look at 10 Important Tips for New eBay Sellers.

6. Retail Arbitrage on Amazon

Retail arbitrage is buying and selling goods to make money online.

For example, you can buy a comforter set at Walmart on sale for $20 and resell it on Amazon for $60 to make a profit of $40 (before fees).

That’s how retail arbitrage works.

People do retail arbitrage full time and make a nice living doing it.

How to Get Started on Amazon?

First, source products, which means you will research where you’ll be finding the products for resale.

You can shop online or in retail stores.

Next, you’ll list products online and sell them.

Once your product sells, the goods get shipped to the consumer.

Rinse and repeat and you’ve got yourself a retail arbitrage business.

Where to Source Products?

  • Target
  • Walmart
  • Bed, Bath, and Beyond
  • Home Depot
  • Party City
  • Costco

You can do retail arbitrage with just about every retailer including online stores.

Can You Do Retail Arbitrage Online?

You can combine retail arbitrage with dropshipping and have a hands-off business.

For example, you source a pair of eyeglasses from Wal-Mart on sale for $5 for 10 days.

During that 10 days, you sell a pair for $20, making you a $15 profit (before fees).

And shipping to the customer would just involve drop shipping the order, where you place the online order at Walmart.com and direct ship to the customer.

How Much Money Can You Make With Arbitrage Online?

With arbitrage online, can earn an endless amount of money.

To make $1500/month, you’d need to average $50 per day in sales (or profit) to hit your goal.

How Much Startup Capital is Required for Arbitrage Online?

You can start with a little capital or a lot of capital.

Many people new to the retail arbitrage industry will start by raising money through the sale of household goods, then use that profit to fund the next round of purchases, then use that profit to support the next round of purchases, rinse and repeat.

This is an easy way to start your retail arbitrage business with no money out of pocket.

Where Can I Start Online Arbitrage?

Yes, retail arbitrage is not just limited to Amazon.

You can do it in places like:

  • eBay
  • Craiglist
  • Letgo
  • Offer
  • Facebook Marketplace

7. Go Thrifting to Resell on Poshmark

This is Poshmark arbitrage, and it is retail arbitrage too but, instead of selling on Amazon or other marketplaces, you’ll sell on Poshmark.

Poshmark is an online marketplace where buyers and sellers come together to buy and sell goods.

Here’s how you do Poshmark arbitrage:

First, source goods.

  • Thrift stores
  • Flea markets
  • Garage sales
  • Clearance stores
  • Stores offering goods on sale

Next, buy products at a great price and list them for sale on Poshmark to make a profit.

For example, you can find a Louis Vuitton handbag at a goodwill store for $50 and resell it on Poshmark for $250, profiting $200 (before fees).

Become an Uber driverBecome an Uber driver

8. Become an Uber Driver

Become an Uber driver and get paid to be a taxi driver using your vehicle.

What Are the Advantages of Driving for Money?

There are many driver jobs available and they’ve been growing in popularity over the past few years because they offer attractive benefits and incentives, like:

  • On-demand work-choose when you want to work, design your dream schedule
  • On-demand pay-cash out your earnings anytime and/or get paid as often as weekly
  • Work from your car-delivery using your car, a comfortable, familiar environment for you
  • Wear a casual, comfortable outfit
  • Be your boss (no micromanagement)
  • Control your work schedule, pay, and other parts of the job-flexible job opportunity
  • Independent work-work on your own, listen to music, perform your job duties, and get paid

Uber drivers love independent work with the flexibility of doing things like choosing their work shift and enjoying financial freedom.

The next two suggestions on our list also have user-friendly food delivery apps users and drivers use to place/take their orders.

9. Drive for Lyft

Driving for Lyft is similar to being an Uber driver.

You get to enjoy on-demand work, weekly pay, a flexible schedule, and more.

If you’re 21 years old or older, have valid license plates, and a photo of yourself, among other requirements, you may have what it takes to drive for Lyft.

10. Delivery with Instacart

Instacart offers grocery delivery to consumers and as an Instacart shopper, you’ll be delivering grocery orders to customers.

  • You’ll get to enjoy on-demand work, subject to their availability
  • Must be 18 years old (21 years old in some states)
  • This is a higher-paying delivery job, with the potential of earning up to $25/hour
  • They have an attractive friend referral program

Don’t miss our full review of Instacart.

11. Delivery with Postmates

Working as a Postmates driver can be a very fulfilling driver job.

Postmates is like companies such as Grub Hub, Doordash, etc.

You’ll be delivering goods to consumers.

The fundamental difference here is that this position won’t just limit you to delivering food items such as restaurant takeouts.

You can also deliver groceries, alcohol, and more.

What Are the Pros of Working as a Postmates Driver?

  • User-friendly driver app
  • Independent work
  • Be your boss
  • Bonus opportunities
  • Take breaks when you want
  • Easy pay-per-delivery formula
  • Keep 100% of the tips you make

What Are the Cons of Working as a Postmates Driver?

  • Only part-time opportunities
  • No set hourly wage
  • Tips are not mandatory
  • Trouble finding parking spots
  • Challenging work environment (traffic, weather, etc.)
  • Extra wear and tear on your vehicle can happen

Overall, Postmates driver jobs have a ton of flexibility. This company attracts many people because of its comfortable, casual environment.

You can work when you want to and be your own boss.

12. Delivery with Favor

Favor is the place where you can get anything delivered.

Drivers are called runners and they work to pick up customer orders from restaurants and deliver them to their doorsteps.

They can also deliver groceries, dry cleaning and other products.

You’ll enjoy benefits like:

  • Keeping 100% of tips
  • Part-time and full-time work opportunities
  • Earn up to $18 per hour

Learn more about Favor delivery driver opportunities here.

13. Delivery with Doordash

Doordash is a food delivery company helping to bring convenience to consumers.

If you’ve ever gotten takeout delivery, you know how convenient it is and the person who knocks on your door delivering your food is a dasher, a Doordash driver.

As a dasher (driver), you’ll be picking up takeout food orders from restaurants and delivering them to customers.

For those who enjoy driving but don’t want to deal with picking up people, as you would with other driver jobs, then this one is perfect for you.

What Are the Perks of Working with Doordash?

  • Be your boss
  • Use any car to deliver
  • Qualify for fast pay and get paid daily

Basic job requirements:

  • You must be 18 years old or older
  • You should have iPhone or Android smartphone access
  • You must possess a valid driver’s license and insurance
  • 1+ years of driving experience

Grab this job now and be on your way to getting your first paycheck this week.

Social media jobs for more moneySocial media jobs for more money

14. Get Paid to Play on Instagram

Earn money managing Instagram accounts for other people in this dream job.

You are getting paid to play on Instagram. And, while enjoying your time on the app, you can easily earn $50 per day.

As an Instagram strategist, you’ll manage a company’s Instagram account.

Your job tasks may include:

  • Engaging with fans
  • Polling the audience
  • Posting to Instagram
  • Measuring analytics and traffic
  • Growing the social fanbase

Check out this source that shares that Instagram managers can earn from $39,000 to over $113,000 per year.

Do it on the side and start making extra income per day.

15. Become a Pinterest Manager

Next, you can make up to $50/day or more, helping companies manage their Pinterest presence as a Pinterest manager.

This is a great gig for creatives and some of your duties may involve:

  • Creating an activity schedule for posting to Pinterest
  • Engaging with other accounts
  • Replying to pin comments
  • Growing the client’s Pinterest fanbase
  • Creating eye-catching Pinterest pins
  • Monitoring the growth and adapting the plan to cope with change

And there are many more activities you can perform.

Your goal will be to help companies grow on Pinterest.

This can mean increasing their followers, improving engagement, and driving more traffic through Pinterest.

Pinterest managers can earn pay to Instagram managers and you can combine both or more roles to be an all-around social media manager, helping your client grow across multiple social platforms.

16. Twitter Manager

Last but not least, you can do the same or similar tasks as you would for the above social media positions, but for Twitter.

To be successful as a social media manager for Twitter or any social network, you’ll need skills like these:

  • Critical thinking
  • Well-organized
  • Data-driven
  • Problem-solving
  • Detail oriented
  • A multitasker

17. Become a YouTube influencer

A YouTube channel can make a lot of money.

YouTube influencers are worldwide so, regardless of where you live, you can make money by starting your own YouTube channel.

Apart from monetizing your channel via ads, you can earn extra income through affiliate marketing.

Also, you can set up the channel in just a few minutes and search for a good affiliate program that will allow you to earn extra cash.

You wouldn’t think that you can make substantial living filming videos, but it’s a real industry and, if you can crack the code, you can easily make much over $50 a day, creating content for others or for yourself.

Some examples of popular YouTube channel topics are :

  • Cooking
  • Product reviews and unboxing
  • Home Decor
  • Bullet journaling
  • Cleaning

How much do YouTubers make?

Many factors influence the amount you can earn, but the nice thing is that you can make money online through multiple revenue streams, which is great for amplifying your earnings and taking your income to the next level.

How to Get Started as a YouTube Influencer?

You’ll need to film a video of yourself (maybe a vlog) or some other type of content.

You can do this easily using only your smartphone camera, webcam, screen share software, or video camera.

Next, create a plan so you can map out your content and then record and publish your videos regularly.

18. Monetize a Facebook group

Facebook groups are an excellent source of revenue and an often untapped income stream.

Facebook groups are communities on Facebook that are created by Facebook users.

People create these communities around specific topics such as:

  • Local community
  • Food
  • Hobbies
  • Passions
  • Interests
  • Sports

These are the different group types:

  • General: Grow and manage your group with the standard set of group features.
  • Gaming: Link a group to a game. Host tournaments for members.
  • Social Learning: Organize posts into a unit or series of units that members can see
  • Buy and Sell: Create and manage sale listings. Specify currency in a post.
  • Work: Only show work-related profile info to members. Contact members without adding them as friends.
  • Jobs: Get templates with job salary, location, and hours. Show a list of all open jobs.

How Do You Make Money with Facebook Groups?

You can earn cash in the group by selling a product or service.

Examples of products:

  • Your drawings or paintings
  • Goods you sell (new or used)
  • Digital products

Services may include:

  • Coaching
  • Copywriting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Consulting

There are two approaches you can take to making money with Facebook groups:

  • Group board admin
  • Group member

How to Make Money as a Group Board Admin?

The group board admin is the person who created the group.

Any Facebook user can create a group.

It’s easy and free.

Creating a group is simple, but growing a community can take a lot of hard work and time.

As the group board admin, you are the one:

  • Making the rules
  • Moderating the group
  • Steering the direction of the group
  • Creating conversations
  • Interacting with members
  • Creating engagement

This is a great opportunity to sell your knowledge and expertise to your Facebook group.

You can do this by selling products and services.

How To Make Money as a Group Member?

Members find groups on Facebook, request to join and, if approved by the Admin, have access to the group to share, start discussions, and interact with peers.

What’s neat about Facebook groups is that direct selling is not required.

I did a case study over the summer where I tried to get clients from Facebook groups over 30 days.

I was active, helpful, started discussions, answered questions, provided value, and was very present in the group.

At the end of 30 days, I landed multiple clients and earned an extra nearly $1,000.

Plus, there are Buy/Sell groups where you can directly sell and that’s the sole purpose of the group.

This is an outstanding way to make money through groups.

If this sounds interesting to you, read more about making money through Facebook groups.

19. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are personal assistants online.

There are general and specialized virtual assistants.

A general VA performs basic or general administrative tasks for clients.

Some examples include:

  • Answering phone calls and emails
  • Calendar management
  • Event coordinating
  • Scheduling activities and events

A specialized virtual assistant has expertise in a specific industry, such as computer networking, public relations, graphic design, videography, etc.

A general VA can make over $15 per hour while a specialized virtual assistant can make up to $100/hour or more.

It’s not very difficult to make $50 a day, especially if you have multiple clients.

You’ll love being a VA because:

  • It’s flexible work
  • Higher paying
  • You can make it your part-time or full-time job

Where to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs?

There are many places online where you can secure virtual assistant work.

Check out these places:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Other social media channels
  • Craigslist
  • Freelancer job markets, such as a money-making free app like Upwork

How to Get Started?

Once you take inventory of your skills, research your pay rate, and determine your availability, you can begin the process of finding jobs.

The job placement process varies according to the client.

You could work for a VA agency as an employee or contractor, or work for a client one-on-one as a freelance contractor.

20. Digital Marketing Manager

As a digital marketing manager, you will help companies with their online marketing efforts, which can include:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Paid online advertising

Digital marketing managers can make a lot of money.

You get to work with companies to help them expand their digital footprint online.

21. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook ads management is a skill that is very sought after.

You’ll be in charge of creating and executing Facebook advertising campaigns to help companies:

  • Grow their email list
  • Increase their social presence online
  • Drive traffic
  • Increase revenue
  • Bring awareness to a cause, event, or mission

Your tasks will be to:

  • Create a campaign
  • Set objectives
  • Measure performance
  • Write ad copy
  • Create ad creatives…

If you’re data-driven and know Facebook well, this might be the perfect job for you.

Check out this step-by-step guide to Facebook Business Manager, to learn Facebook ads and then seek entry-level jobs with job markets such as Upwork or other places to get your first job.

Become a web or graphic designerBecome a web or graphic designer

22. Freelancing

As a freelancer, you will be an independent contractor working for a client or business professional. While taking freelance gigs won’t bring you passive income, you can earn a significant amount of money this way.

Freelancing is growing by leaps and bounds and it’s projected that, in the next 2 years, 40% of the workforce will work as freelancers.

There are many types of freelancing jobs and you will search for the ones that match your interests, knowledge, and skills.

Here are some examples of freelancing jobs:

  • Graphic designer
  • Voiceover artist
  • Illustrator
  • Web designer
  • Web developer
  • Digital marketer
  • Copywriter

As a freelance writer, you can work for a variety of employers on different tasks.

A freelance writer can specialize in a field and work for online blogs, magazines, publishers, and companies.

To become a freelance writer, all you need is an excellent command of the English language (grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary) and basic writing skills.

What Are the Advantages of Freelancing?

You will love freelancing because it is more flexible than a traditional W2 employee job.

What Are the Perks to Working as a Freelancer?

  • Flexible work environment
  • Flexible schedule
  • Casual dress
  • Work from home
  • Unlimited income potential
  • Be your boss
  • Independent work

What Are the Disadvantages of Freelancing?

  • Inconsistent work and pay potential
  • No traditional job benefits
  • No passive income
  • You handle your taxes

Instead of looking for ways to earn money online, maybe you are more comfortable doing some face-to-face work and meeting your clients one-on-one.

Look at these in-person service jobs to help you earn $50/day online.

Become a life coatchBecome a life coatch

23. Become a life coach

Life coaching can be a very lucrative job.

It can turn into a full-time gig for you.

Life coaching involves helping others to become their best self and this can be through helping them become:

  • Better organized
  • Better at communication
  • Mastering personal and professional issues

Life coaches can make $20,000 per month or more.

There are a few different directions you can take this and life coaching is great if you:

  • You are a brilliant listener
  • Good at guiding people
  • Self-motivated
  • Strong communicator
  • Can motivate others
  • Possess problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Produce your own videosProduce your own videos

24. Produce Videos

Video production is growing year after year.

As a video producer, you’ll be in charge of bringing ideas to life with video.

You’ll collaborate with your client to bring their vision to life and help execute the plan to create amazing videos.

This can be for documentaries, companies that need a video to showcase their brand or products, non-profit organizations that are looking to spread their message, and more.

Here’s an example of a great young person who creates commercials at home:

What’s Required to Become a Video Producer?

This depends on the job that you land.

Some jobs may require you to film, while others may lean on your expertise to help them collaborate and help create a professional, polished video.

Walk dogs for extra bucksWalk dogs for extra bucks

25. Dog Walking

For animal lovers, this is a perfect job, spending time with dogs and walking them.

You can do this for one dog or multiple dogs at a time.

How To Get Started?

You can start your dog walking small business and manage every aspect on your own, like:

  • Naming your business
  • Getting clients
  • Setting pricing
  • Collecting payment
  • Paying expenses
  • Managing customer service
  • And, more duties

Or, you can work for a dog walking company like Rover or Wag.

26. Pet sitting

Pet sitting is another fun job where you get to spend time with animals.

Pet owners sometimes need to be away from their homes and have to find a way for their animals to be cared for.

During those times, it’s important to have a pet sitter.

Pet sitters are responsible for:

  • Walking animals
  • Feeding the animal
  • Grooming
  • Other care needs

You can work for a pet sitting company or start your own pet sitting business and be on your way to earning up to $50 per day.

27. Babysitting

Babysitting is an easy job that typically pays well. You find clients, babysit kids and get paid instantly.

It’s a great source of recurring income and you can babysit for multiple families, which will amplify your earning power.

How Much Do Babysitters Make?

Your income as a babysitter may differ based on where you live.

This source says the average pay for babysitters is roughly $15.71/hour.

Here are some places to find babysitting jobs:

Start your computer repair businessStart your computer repair business

28. Open a Computer Repair Business

Computer repair is a thriving business.

Think about it.

If your computer breaks, you need to find someone to repair it.

Working with a small business computer repair company is probably going to be more cost-effective than working with a bigger company.

If you have the knowledge and skills to repair computers, this could be a side business for yourself to help you make extra money every month.

Check out how to start a computer repair business from home.

29. Resume Writing

Resume writing works means you’ll be working as. freelance writer.

Your main task will be to help other people land a job by writing their resume.

This is an in-demand job that allows you to make extra money fast, even more than 50 dollars a day.

You can land work via job markets that have a free app such as:

Plus, you can check out these 10 companies that hire for online resume writer jobs.

How Much Do Resume Writers Make?

According to this source, resume writers can earn $50 to $300 per resume.

30. Product Description Writer

You can make money writing product descriptions for e-commerce stores.

Product descriptions are valuable.

When customers are buying products online, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes, from the store’s perspective.

An e-commerce store has to make products attractive enough to convince consumers to buy them, just from the images and descriptions.

This is where you will come in, writing a keyword-rich product description that clearly explains the product and convinces consumers they need the product.

  • Strong command of the Native language
  • Excellent grammar and spelling
  • Knowledge of SEO is helpful
  • Strong communication

How Much Do Product Description Writers Make?

As a product description writer, you may charge per word or product description.

For example, charging $.12/word for product descriptions and your client needs 100 descriptions that are 200 words long each.

$.12/word x 200 words=$24/description

$24/description x 100 descriptions=$2,400

You can see that from one job, it’s not as hard as it may appear to make $50/day.

31. Article Writer

Writing articles is another writing job you can pursue to make a cool $1,500/month.

You can have a mix of different clients, including:

  • Influencers
  • Magazines
  • Ecommerce store owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Small businesses

Your client needs will vary from job to job.

  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills
  • Well-organized
  • Detail-oriented

There’s a lot of flexibility with writing jobs like this one.

You can choose your clients, choose your jobs and even set your pay rate.

Where to Find Article Writing Jobs?

How Much Can Article Writers Make?

Most writers charge per word and some writers charge by article, so how much you can make writing articles depends on many factors.

32. Blog Post Writer

Blog post writing is writing blog post articles for publishers.

This is like article writing except you will write blog posts.

How Much Do Blog Post Writers Make?

The amount of money a blog post writer can make depends on the niche, subject, experience, etc.

Some writers get paid per word while I paid others per article, so there’s no definite answer to the question of how much money blog writers make.

Where to Find Blog Post Writer Jobs?

33. Magazine Writers

You can fetch as much as $2,000 per article writing magazine articles for online and print magazines.

As a magazine writer, you’ll get the chance to share your opinion and write informative articles for magazine publications.

How Much do Magazine Writers Make?

As shared above, it’s not unusual to earn up to $2,000 per article.

Here are 15 sites that pay $200 or more per article to get you started.

Work from Home Jobs

The following sets of jobs that will help you earn more money are entirely online, so you can work from the comfort of your home.

34. Day Trading

People who do day trading can make a full-time income doing it. Check out how this YouTuber tried making money day trading.

You can learn and practice day trading.

First, learn how to day trade.

You can do this by taking a digital course or through self-education, like learning through YouTube, articles online, etc.

Then, take it into your own hands and start day trading.

Read more about how to trade stocks and futures to make more money.

35. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is getting paid to refer products.

For example, you can share your outfit on Instagram and post an affiliate link to the store where you bought it.

If someone buys using your affiliate link, you get a commission.

You start to make a lot with affiliate marketing once you have an audience, like through social media or a blog.

The amount you make as an affiliate marketer, per sale, depends on the affiliate program you join.

Some may pay 10% per sale, while others may pay $40 per sale, etc.

Where to Find Affiliate Programs to Join?

You can find affiliate programs to join through affiliate networks like Shareasale, Flex Offers, Awin, etc.

How Much Can You Make with Affiliate Marketing?

You can make an unlimited amount of money with affiliate marketing.

Some commissions can be a percentage, while others are a flat amount.

How To Get Started?

You can get started for free by joining an affiliate network or private affiliate program.

Pick the affiliate programs you want to join, get your links, start promoting and earn more money, more than $50 a day.

36. Video Production

Video production is growing every year. This is a rewarding, fruitful career that will allow you to use your creativity to bring ideas into video form.

You’ll collaborate with clients to produce amazing videos for information videos, documentaries, etc.

  • Creative thinking
  • Tech-savvy
  • Detail oriented
  • Well-organized
  • Multitasking
  • Strong communication

37. Graphic Designer

As a designer, you’ll be working with clients to help create graphics for all their business needs, including:

  • Flyers
  • Websites
  • Print materials
  • Merchandise

Look at these 10 great places to find graphic design jobs.

Write an E-bookWrite an E-book

38. Ebook Author

Become an author and share your knowledge with the world.

Share your expertise, experience, opinions, and write books.

Today, self publishing is a good idea that can open the door for many exciting opportunities.

What to Write About?

  • Passions
  • Hobbies
  • Interests
  • Your work background
  • Experience and expertise

Anybody can become an author.

All you need is a topic to write about.

Take a look at how this author made $2,000 from publishing their book on Amazon.

39. Digital Course Creator

Selling courses online is a great way to make $50 a day and even save money.

You get paid to write a course that solves problems.

You can help people who are:

  • Learning a language
  • Learning how to sew
  • Learning how to run Facebook ads
  • Learning how to cook French cuisine
  • Learning how to meditate

How to Create a Digital Course?

You can use an online program to create a course easily and affordably.

Take a look at these options:

Where to Sell a Digital Course?

Sell courses on social media channels, to family and friends, your network, the public, etc.

How Much Can You Make as a Digital Course Creator?

You can earn up to six figures or more.

Check it out:

40. Udemy Course Instructor

Udemy is a course marketplace.

Selling online courses on Udemy can be a lucrative business because many people will pay good money to earn new skills or gain knowledge about certain topics.

You will have exposure to their audience and you get the chance to have your online courses seen and purchased.

Creating an online course is also a good way to earn passive income.

While you will have to invest a few extra hours into creating your content, after you set it up, there won’t be much you’ll have to do.

What Are the Advantages of Selling on Udemy?

  • Exposure to millions of buyers

What Are the Disadvantages of Selling on Udemy?

  • Subject to Udemy’s pricing

It’s free to join the marketplace and you can learn more on Udemy.

41. Dropservicing

Break into drop servicing, which is a new type of arbitrage that involves services and allows you to earn quick cash.

Dropshipping is having your supplier direct ship goods to your customer.

Drop servicing is having your service contractor fulfill service orders for your clients.

How Does It Work?

You offer services to the public, like copywriting, proofreading, ghostwriting, etc.

When you get a client, you outsource the work to a contractor and keep the difference as profit.

Here are some examples:

You book a client that needs help with SEO services and they hire you for $1,000 per month.

You then, hire an SEO contractor to perform the tasks for that job, for $500 per month, leaving YOU with a $500 per month profit.

You sell illustration services on Fiverr and, when you get an order, you contact a freelancer to perform that job for you, keeping the difference as profit.

This is exactly how agencies work to make money fast and easy.

How Much Can You Make?

How much you can make varies on different factors. However, there is potential to make $50/day or more doing drop servicing.

What Are the Benefits of Drop Servicing?

The benefits of drop servicing include:

  • Flexible work hours
  • You are your boss
  • You have full control over pay
  • You can design your dream schedule

How to Get Started?

Begin by figuring out what services industry you want to target:

  • Copywriting
  • Voiceover
  • SEO
  • Digital Marketing
  • Or, other services

Then, create your business.

Define a plan for acquiring clients, while recruiting freelancers that can perform the work.

This is a great option for part-time income.

Local Neighborhood Jobs

If you want to find a local gig that you can do right in your neighborhood, these next set of 8 jobs are some good options.

Become a closet organizerBecome a closet organizer

42. Closet Organization

Break into this side gig shared by Kim Kardashian.

Did you know she started her business by organizing closets?

If you are a self-starter, well-organized and you’d like to monetize those skills, turn to closet organization, for extra money.

You can make up to $30 to $80 per hour.

Become an event plannerBecome an event planner

43. Event Planning

Starting an event planning business means you’ll get paid to plan events for others, including:

  • Weddings
  • Anniversaries
  • Birthday parties
  • Quinceaneras
  • Baby showers
  • Bachelor and Bachelorette parties

You can earn thousands of dollars per event.

Read more about how to start an event planning business.

clean houses to earn cashclean houses to earn cash

44. Cleaning Houses

Make money by cleaning houses, as this is a chore many people happily outsource.

You might need 3-4 hours per home.

Your duties can include:

  • Sweeping and mopping floors
  • Dusting flat surfaces
  • Cleaning/organizing bedrooms
  • Doing dishes
  • Cleaning and disinfecting bathrooms and kitchen
  • Light organizing

This is perfect for those that enjoy cleaning, organizing, household chores, and enjoy helping people through house cleaning.

Wash cars as part-time jobWash cars as part-time job

45. Washing and Cleaning Cars

Wash cars for your neighbors and get paid.

This is a great weekend job that will keep you busy and keep extra cash in your pocket.

Your duties might include:

  • Washing
  • Waxing
  • Vacuuming interior
  • Light detailing
  • Tire cleaning

There’s also mobile detailing, which is a business you can break into.

With mobile detailing, you get paid to travel to customers to detail their cars.

So, you might travel to a nearby neighborhood and detail a neighbor’s vehicle right in their driveway.

Or go to a customer’s job and detail their car right in their workplace parking lot.

You can make up to $75 to $135 per car and the money can add up fast.

Mobile detailers that detail 2 cars a day can make an extra $24,000 per year.

How to Get Started With a Car Detailing Business?

  • Get training and experience
  • Get a business license
  • Invest in the right essentials and educational materials

Check out all 10 tips for starting a car detailing business.

46. Landscaping

Landscaping involves doing lawn maintenance for residential and commercial lots, like:

  • Grass cutting
  • Trimming hedges
  • Trimming trees
  • Raking leaves
  • Flower planting

A recent story on CNBC showed a business owner running a 2-person landscaping business earning him $15,000/month.

Read these step-by-step instructions for how to get started.

Travel the world for livingTravel the world for living

47. Get Paid to Travel

You can get paid to travel and easily earn up to $50 per day or more by taking on jobs that cover all of your travel expenses.

How does it work?

Companies will pay influencers to review their business and products.

This can include working with travel influencers to promote:

  • A store grand opening
  • Hosting an event
  • Visiting the grand opening of a resort
  • Restaurant reviews

Aside from travel influencing, you can get paid to travel by doing these jobs/opportunities:

  • Mystery shopping
  • Giving tours
  • Transporting

48. Get Paid to Drive Around Town

You can make money up to $1,200/month or more, turning your car into a driving billboard, with companies like Carvertise.

How Does It Work?

You work with an advertising car wrap company who will wrap your car in advertising and pay you to drive around town.

This can work around your existing schedule as you commute to work, take weekend trips into the city, drive to run errands, etc.

They pay you every month, based on your commute, the city you live in, and other factors.

Each company will have different rules, but you should have a valid driver’s license and meet the age requirements, vehicle restrictions, and other guidelines.

Where to Find Companies That Pay You To Drive Around Town?

These companies will pay you to drive your car wrapped in advertising:

Check out more info on how you can make money with car wraps.

49. Local Arbitrage

You can do arbitrage in person, selling goods you source from clearance sales, garage sales, Craigslist, and other places.

Many people do this and make a lot of money.

How to Get Started?

First, you source products.

You can find goods from a local garage sale or community groups on Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, Garage Sale, or other places.

Next, you resell.

You can resell by re-listing products on those same websites or you can host a garage sale, join a local buy/sell meetup group and sell to that group, etc.

Lastly, collect the money, rinse and repeat.

Many people do this will cell phones.

They buy broken or cracked screen cell phones, repair them, then flip them for profit.

The same can be done with tablets, computers, designer goods, etc.

50. Housesitting

When homeowners need to travel, they need their homes to be attended to.

As a house-sitter, you might:

  • Take care of household plants
  • Take care of pets
  • Keep the home clean

This is especially helpful for homeowners that travel for extended periods, like retirees that migrate to the south during winter and migrate to the north during summer, to enjoy the warm weather year-round.

Or, digital nomads that travel for a living and need their home taken care of while they are away.

You can easily earn up to $50 per day house-sitting.

Read more on how to find house-sitting jobs.

What Are Some Other Ways to Make Money Fast?

We have suggested how to make 50 dollars a day online and offline, working just a few hours to earn extra cash and even save money. However, the list is practically unlimited.

We haven’t mentioned other ways to make money online or in person, such as playing free games for money, watching videos, creating digital stickers, selling stock photos and art, catering services, data entry jobs, and much more.

In this article, for example, we haven’t mentioned the option that many native English speakers take advantage of.

We have given no specific instructions on how to find teaching jobs and teach English online or become a tutor.

Many native English speakers teach English online.

They teach from preschoolers who want to learn the language to professionals who want to advance their English language skills.

Also, many jobs we’ve mentioned offer you the opportunity to earn quick cash and more money than you expect.

And, while you expect to earn over 50 dollars a day online, working offline, face-to-face with clients, and taking local gigs is also an option you should consider.

Think about what you can do and start looking for the best option that will allow you to earn cash or even serious money that you can further invest.

Final Thoughts

There are many jobs you can take and turn into lucrative careers if you are driven to succeed.

We have listed 50 ways to make at least 50 dollars a day in various fields, starting from simple (although not always easy) tasks such as survey taking, cleaning houses, and driving vehicles to deliver goods, all the way to more complex assignments related to running your own website and create passive income streams, being a virtual assistant, social media marketer, or selling online courses, and many others.

With some of these jobs, you can earn more than a few hundred dollars a day and gain financial freedom.

Not only you will earn money, but you will save money.

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  • February 24, 2025

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